Thursday, October 18, 2012

2nd & 3rd Part-time Jobs to Pay for Retirement

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As a ValuTeachers retirement specialist rep I listen weekly to their conference call. I was shocked to learn that some School districts do not pay into Social Security and that some only have one retirement vendor for the whole District. And they were not letting any other company in.

It's been a challenged to get into the schools, but I've begun contacting one by one people I know in the educational field to see if I can talk with their school Principal, HRM/Benefits coordinator, and/or at teachers/staff meeting. No response as of yet, but with more and more employees having to pay for their own retirement instead of a Pension, these payroll slots have to open to more companies.

Prior to ValuTeachers many educators will retire with a monthly income of $1200. However, by contributing to ValuTeachers they can receive as much as $1900 per month. I have talked to people in education and not in education who have said, "I have two or three jobs to make ends meet". Personally if it wasn't for ValuTeachers I would not have been saving as much as I have over the past 7 years. Coming upon my 8th year with ValuTeachers, I'm almost at the same amount of savings as in my State Retirement plan, which I contribute 7% of my paycheck. It forces you to save when you don't have the discipline.

I do not want to work many more years with a 2nd or 3rd and at times 4th part-time job. That extra money for waking up on Saturday mornings to give an SAT Exam to High School students is worth it knowing that is money going toward debt, savings, and/or retirement.

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Don't be ashamed if you have to work a 2nd or 3rd  job. Only YOU know what your goals for retirement will be. It maybe spending time with your grandkids, visiting faraway family, traveling the country on an RV, a round the world trip with your family/friends, or volunteering in your community/church.

What are your goals for retirement? How are you achieving that goal? I await your comments below.

Rhonda W.

1 comment:

  1. I want to be able to travel 1-2 months a year and own property overseas. And I'll love to retire (from full-time) by age 50. Working really hard to pay down mortgage and credit card debts.

